Landis Tangential Chasers
All Landis Tangential Chasers are designed to
• Perform better
• Improve productivity
• Reduce costs
• Boost threading efficiency.
Landis standard and non-stock chasers are available in a variety of sizes, pitches and throat angles.
The throat of 20º standard “long” throat chasers, normally furnished for use with Lanco heads, starts below the root and is used to trim away scale or nominally excess material on the O.D.
The throat of 20º standard “short” throat chasers starts at the root and is supplied for use with Landmatic® and Landex® heads, where the blank is usually prepared to the size.
Unless otherwise specified, all “bolt” chasers are supplied with a 22º lip-rake grind suitable for threading mild steel. Chasers for threading pipe are furnished with a 22º straight rake grind – 30º and 45º throats are furnished only where the relief or thread run-out is restricted.
Tangential Chaser Overview (PDF)
Die Head Chaser Management (PDF)
Chaser Grinding Fixture
For use on surface, universal tool, and cutter grinders, the No. 15 and No. 20 fixtures are used to grind the cutting angles on Landis die head chasers. The No. 15 die head chaser fixture and No. 15T tap chaser fixture use a common base that allows the same fixture to grind both types of chasers when appropriate auxiliary equipment is added.
No. 15 — 1/2″ to 1-1/4″ wide die head chasers
No. 20 — 7/8″ to 4-3/8″ wide die head chasers
No. 15T — tap chasers for 1″ to 12″ size tap heads